The Traits of High Performing Recruitment Teams

In this conversation, Trent Cotton discusses the traits and strategies that contribute to high-performance recruiting teams. He emphasizes the importance of being goal-oriented, gritty, adaptable, curious, and open to respectful conflict. Trent also introduces the concept of sprint recruiting, which applies agile methodology to the recruiting process. He explains how sprint recruiting can improve efficiency, establish accountability, and provide measurable progress.


High-performance recruiting teams are goal-oriented and measure their success against specific targets.

Grit and tenacity are essential traits in recruiting teams, but leaders must also help balance their focus and prevent burnout.

Adaptability is crucial in today’s ever-changing business landscape, and recruiting teams can foster it by creating a playground for innovation and experimentation.

Intellectual curiosity drives high-performance recruiting teams, as it leads to a deeper understanding of the recruiting process and better candidate engagement.

Respectful conflict is necessary for growth and improvement in recruiting teams, as it allows for diverse perspectives and better solutions.

Accountability is established by setting clear goals and holding team members responsible for their actions and outcomes.

Sprint recruiting applies agile methodology to the recruiting process, improving efficiency, establishing accountability, and providing measurable progress.

Recruiting professionals can improve their team’s performance by adopting agile methodologies like sprint recruiting and focusing on metrics and continuous improvement.

Trent Cotton recommends his books, ‘Sprint Recruiting’ and ‘High Performance Recruiting,’ as resources for further exploration of these topics.



Introduction and Background


Goal-Oriented Recruiting Teams


Adaptability in Recruiting Teams


Curiosity in Recruiting Teams


Respectful Conflict in Recruiting Teams


Accountability in Recruiting Teams


Implementing Agile Methodologies in Recruiting


Book Recommendations