How To Be A Great Talent Leader

Adrian is a Senior Human Resource, Talent Acquisition, and Resourcing Director with experience across the Pharmaceutical, Banking, Civil Service & Public Sector and Transportation Industries and directly managing large teams in large scale environments (up to 420,000 staff) and across multiple countries and cultures. After leaving the most senior recruitment role in the UK Civil Service, I now advise businesses and organizations of all shapes and sizes.

He is the Chair of the RL100, The Resourcing Leaders 100, the world’s leading peer network for strategic in-house resourcing leaders. Committed to creating positive change in the world of resourcing, the RL100, the Resourcing Leaders Community, and members of our Accelerator Programme aim to elevate the standard of resourcing at all levels and raise the profile as a profession overall.

Adrian knows precisely what it takes to be a great Talent Leader, and in this conversation, he shares advice around management, leadership, strategy, metrics, and plenty more.

Contact Adrian here – Adrian Thomas | LinkedIn